![]() I don’t read a lot of romantic comedies, or just romance books in general. I’m trying to change that because these books always tend to be easy to read and, usually, enjoyable. “Get a Life Chloe Brown” blew every mild expectation I had for this genre out of the water. Take a gorgeously big and lush heroine with a chronic illness and pair her with an artist who has lost part of his art coming out of an abusive situation, and what you are left with is an unapologetically sweet, tender, and swoony romance story of two people who genuinely want to take care of the other. The sarcastic voice and narration of this book had me laughing as much as it had me smiling at all those “aww” moments. And don’t get me started on how much I enjoyed Chloe’s conversations with the cat! I really cannot say enough good things about this book quite honestly, but I’m going to try. I think one of the things I loved most about Chloe, and the author’s portrayal of her, was that the character never questioned why anyone found her attractive. As a bigger girl myself, this is something I struggle with, and the fact that Chloe never questioned Red’s attraction, that she simply accepted it, was beautiful and so incredibly special to me. It was really refreshing to have a bigger character not be self-conscious about their appearance, or have other characters question it, either. All things considered, this was a rather small element of the story and the character, but it was still something I really appreciated, so I thought it was worth sharing.
But back to the story: I thought Hibbert did a wonderful job setting up her characters quickly and in such a way that within two chapters I already felt like I knew them heart and soul. Each was distinct, and Chloe’s sisters and Red’s mom are just as vibrant as Chloe and Red themselves. This is my first introduction to this author’s work, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but the sarcastic voice and just the sheer fun these characters have when teasing each other… You can tell that the author had a wonderful time writing this story, as that joy bleeds through onto the page. The way the author, and therefore her characters, handle mental and physical health and past traumas was done incredibly well. Neither character is out to fix the other like some home improvement project; they each are fine alone, but recognize they can be better together and I love LOVE to see that. Also, can we talk about the character banter in this book? Because it was perfection. That is all. I liked this book almost from the moment I picked it up, and that didn’t change as I got deeper into the story. I loved this book more and more with each chapter! The only thing I didn’t like is more of a personal taste, and that’s using certain words during sex… You know the ones! I’m just not a fan of dirty talk in general, but that didn’t even really take away from the build up to those sexy scenes, so it turned out fine in the end, but if you’re like me and get a little cringy with that language, be forewarned. But after reading this book, I immediately got the next in the series even though Chloe and Red aren’t the focus, but Chloe’s sister Dani instead. I loved this author’s writing and these sisters that much! How can I not with the ultra-satisfying ending that Hibbert gave us in this super fun romance? Which is why this easily gets 5 stars from me, and I can’t wait to read more about the Brown sisters!
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